Wednesday, May 13, 2009


After another heart-wrenching sequences of events yesterday, I thought it was deemed necessary to make an overhaul of my friendster account. And now, I would like to welcome you guys officially to my newly renovated friendster profile. An overhaul that I think was long overdue. This profile represents the new me, the new Mikee. The one who’s a fighter, but an intelligent fighter, a fighter with grace, fighting for his own dignity and self-esteem that was so much battered by blind love. 

I don’t hate love, I love the concept of love in fact, but now I’ll be cautious enough and wise enough to discern who is and who is not worthy of the love I could give openly. 

Like the wolf, I’ll be an intelligent fighter, a fighter whose experience is his teacher, a fighter who lurks first in the dark, planning his next steps, making sure that what he does, he does it with ease, assuring victory.

So to those who made the wrong move of hurting me, causing me pain, took advantage of my naivety and good faith, of my love I regrettably gave easily and freely, don’t be threatened, I dare say be afraid… BE VERY AFRAID, for I’ll make sure that when our paths cross again, you won’t forget that exact time and place, regretting causing me the hurt I’ve so long endured.

Now, finally, I’m happily releasing myself from the old ways, the old feelings, from the people in my past both far and definitely near, who in some ways have contributed to this overhaul.

 From the ashes, I rise

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